Tuesday 17 February 2015

New Project starting for Black Cat Theatre

Sewing Pattern

With Our summer show starting in July I wanted to start making the costumes now (http://www.blackcattheater.co.uk/ is the website for Black Cat Theatre).

Now with the characters we are doing we needed at least some period costume - however with my size being on rather the large size and costumes like these you can be looking at £100+ I decided to make the costumes for us (and so far it's only cost £30). Just so the others would have more confidence in what I was doing I decided to start making mine first and see what the others think. 

The patterns I most like to use are the ones from Simplicity (simplicity/new look Patterns) or Butterick (Butterick & Mccall) as they are fairly easy to understand and the finished garments can look very professional as well as have adaptability, (which is what you need when you want to do a cosplay and that character's outfit doesn't exist).

I will keep this update with the progress this out fit is getting.
Sewing Pattern & Instructions

I have noticed though however that I have needed to make the pattern bigger so what I am doing (which is time consuming) is measuring each line and doubling it so then if it turns out to be too big I can always take it in.

Saturday 7 February 2015

About me :)

Well this is where I should tell you about myself.....

I am a graduate from University of Hull where I studied Media, Culture and Society. Some will probably wondering why I chose the picture I have, well the main reason why is because this is the Drama group I am very proud to be part of. In the group not only do I act, sing and dance on stage but I am also the costume designer and creator.

After seeing a speaker the other day who talked about blogging I began to think what could I do about because I wasn't sure what to talk about, then she said "Just something you are interested in" and what I am very interested in is....yup, sewing, costumes, Theatre and Cosplay. So that's what I want to do my blog on. I want to explore the different types of materials out there that can be used for cosplays or even everyday garments. Soon I will be making the costumes for our new play so I would very much like to put on here my progress in making the outfits, the patterns I'll be using, the type of fabric I'll use and what that fabric is like to use.

To make my outfits I do have an overlocker but I only have a normal domesticated sewing machine with a manikin that is one size XD

So I hope you enjoy my blogs and I get to inspire you to either try sewing/cosplay or even something simple like writing a blog on a subject you enjoy. :)