Monday 9 March 2015

Costume 99% done but still so much to d

Dress 99% done
Now When some of you look at this you'd think "What she on about it's finished" well I still need to do the hem at the bottom but one thing I need to do is alter the shoulders to shorten them.

What I have found quite funny with this pattern is how it looked complicated on the cover, it felt like it took forever to cut out but I can honestly say I have NEVER worked with such a simple pattern that went together straight away and didn't need taking back due to error (unlike some other's I've done/doing). So even though my dress is near enough complete that doesn't mean I'm finished. I still have 2 more to make one in red material and one in Blue that are going to be slightly different - one is going to have a collar and one is having extra long sleeves (as seen in my previous blog).

Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmations
Also whilst I am making these I am still doing my alteration side as well as looking into making a coat for a Cruella De Vil costume for someone, then I want to create a summer costume for myself for the Galas our theatre group should be doing and the character i would like to do is Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

And finally adding to the list is the cosplay for next year's MCM Expo in London as I want to do Princess Daisy from the Super Mario Bros; games made by Nintendo, which costs money but with it being a year away I should be able to do that one and keep an up to date blog on all these up coming costumes and I can't wait to start them all.

Princess Daisy